Grammar Quiz

Present Perfect Quiz


I think I (forget) _______________________________ to buy some bread

A. I think I has forgotten to buy some bread

B. I think I have forgot to buy some bread

C. I think I have forgotten to buy some bread

D. I think I has forgot to buy some bread

He _____ traveled to Spain

A. Have

B. Has

C. Do

D. Does

My sister … ridden a bicycle. She is afraid that she will fall off.

A. never

B. has never

C. has ever

We have met Pedro _____ five years

A. since

B. on

C. at

D. for

My aunt has lived in Madrid ______ 2006

A. since

B. ago

C. for

D. to

Choose the correct sentence

A. I have never met the Queen!

B. I never meet the Queen!

C. I never have met the Queen!

Has Zéti cleaned his car? Yes, he ________.

A. have

B. has

C. did

How long has he been your friend?

A. I have been your friend for 3 years.

B. They have been your friend for 5 years.

C. I have been his friend for 3 years.

D. He has been my friend for 5 years.

A: You look tired. B: I’ve _____ run 20 kilometers!

A. just

B. already

C. yet

Which one is correct?

A. I haven´t never slept in a tent.

B. I have never slept in a tent.

C. I never slept in a tent.

-Is Ken in? Yes, he has ___________arrived from school.

A. just

B. Justin

C. yet

D. before

I have ____ a horse and a camel

A. Riden

B. Roden

C. Rode

D. Ridden

Have ________ missed the film?

A. we

B. she

C. Viktor

What _________ you __________ (drink) at luch?

A. Has/drank

B. Have/drink

C. Have/drank

D. Had/drink

During the two years David ____________ ten different jobs.

A. has has

B. has had

C. have had

D. have have

Have ________ in a play?

A. you be

B. you been

C. you did

Tyler and Kelly _________ here before. They really like this place.

A. has been

B. have been

C. has be

D. was

____________ he (call) _______________________ María?

A. Have he called María?

B. Has he called María?

C. Have he call María?

D. Have he calling María?

The time is not specified in the Present Perfect



I have never ____ a snowman

A. Maked

B. Make

C. Made

D. Maden

She has been there ______ three days

A. since

B. ago

C. to

D. for

She has lived in this house ___________ she was five years old.

A. for

B. since

There are only 6 signal words in the Present Perfect



I’ve eaten snake.

A. correct

B. incorrect

Have your friends ever read papelucho?

A. Yes, I have.

B. Yes, she has.

C. Yes, they have.

D. Yes, we have.


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