Grammar Quiz

Article the or zero article (-) Quiz


_____ rules and regulations of _______ park are at ______ entrance.

A. -, the, –

B. The, – , the

C. The, the, the

______ fisherman waited patiently for his first catch of the day.

A. The

B. –

Where is ______ cat?

A. –

B. the

_______ residents of Taman Nuri have a potluck every year to promote ________ community spirit.

A. The , –

B. The , the

C. -, the

I bought a bag this morning. _______ bag is grey.

A. The

B. –

Adam went to _____ Tigre by train

A. the

B. –

______ sun’s rays shone through _______ bedroom window and brightened the room.

A. -,-

B. -,the

C. The, the

Flat Cape, which is in _______ state of ______ Alabama is ________ southern-most tip of mainland Asia.

A. -, the, –

B. the, – , the

C. the, the, the

We must take care of _______ public property.

A. the

B. –

Susie called ______ fire station when she saw ______ smoke coming out of her neighbour’s kitchen window

A. the , –

B. -,-

C. the , the

D. -,the

When ______ indigenous people visit neighbours, they do not touch their things without permission.

A. –

B. the


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