Grammar Quiz

[ Grammar ]

Which sentence uses a semicolon correctly?

A. I love going to the beach; and collecting shells.

B. I love going to the beach and; collecting shells.

C. I love going to the beach; also, I love collecting shells.

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She does well as a Counselor because she can be empathetic.

Empathetic means:

A. Able to understand
B. Able to be aware
C. Able to beware of the thoughts and feelings of others
D. All the above

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How do you write the past progressive tense of verb?

A. is, are or am and add -ing to the action verb

B. was or were and add -ing to the action verb

C. will be or shall be and add -ing to the action verb

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.