Adverbs or Adjectives Quiz
English multiple-choice grammar quiz about Adverbs or Adjectives
Michael’s dog has extremely bad breath!
A. adjective
B. adverb
C. neither
D. both
Choose the correct sentence.
A. Come quick or we will miss our bus.
B. Come quickly or we will miss our bus.
The music was _________________.
A. beautiful
B. beautifully
You look _________________. Didn’t you sleep well?
A. tired
B. tiredly
Find the adverb.
The girls thoroughly enjoyed the show.
A. thoroughly
B. enjoyed
C. girls
Julia is a _________________ person.
A. careful
B. carefully
He is a _________________ cook.
A. terrible
B. terribly
I ran _________________ to the station.
A. quick
B. quickly
Which sentence is correct?
A. Mia talks quick on the phone.
B. Mia talks on the quickly phone.
C. Mia talks on the phone quick.
D. Mia talks quickly on the phone.
Find TWO adjectives.
The king was strong, but very cruel.
A. king, was
B. strong, very
C. strong, cruel
She plays the piano _________________.
A. beautiful
B. beautifully
She sang _________________.
A. happy
B. happily
She answered _________________.
A. clever
B. cleverly
I speak English _________________.
A. well
B. good
Her English is _________________.
A. well
B. good