Grammar Quiz

[ Adverbial Clauses ]

Form an adverbial clause to indicate place in the sentence: ‘She looked everywhere.’

A. She looked everywhere she went.

B. She looked everywhere she stayed.

C. She looked everywhere she ate.

D. She looked everywhere she slept.

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Indirect Speech › View

Our teacher said, “Submit your assignments next week!”

A. Our teacher ordered us to submit our assignment the following week.

B. Our teacher wanted us to submit our assignment the previous week.

C. Our teacher wanted us to submit your assignment next week.

D. Our teacher ordered us submit your assignment the following week.

Grammar › View

Fill in the blank with the correct modal verb: ‘You _______ eat ice cream after dinner.’

A. will

B. must

C. should

D. can

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.