Grammar Quiz

[ Commas ]

Which sentence has the correct placement of the comma?

A. All, of a sudden the lights turned out.

B. All of a sudden the lights, turned out.

C. All of a sudden, the lights turned out.

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Select the sentence that contains the correct form of the verb “become” in past tense.

A. She become a better person.

B. She becomes a better person.

C. She became a better person.

D. She becomed a better person.

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Which is correct?

A. You shouldn’t be sorry, you should be ashamed.

B. This is a terrible idea you will never win the game.

C. The cat slept through the storm; the dog hid under the bed.

D. I made a 100 on the quiz but you only made a 90.

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.