Grammar Quiz

a, an, the, zero article Quiz


There is a huge gap between ______rich and ______ poor in this country

A. the- the

B. a- an

C. a-the

D. the- a

I didn’t think it was______expensive restaurant until I checked the menu.

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. zero

My brother has bought me______beautiful dress as a birthday present.

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. zero article

Job hunters always seek for people with ______experience.

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. zero

Jim is ______youngest boy of the family and this year he will go to______school

A. the – zero

B. a- a

C. a-the

D. the- a

Yesterday my teacher told us ______story about ______ English writer.

A. the- the

B. a- an

C. a-the

D. the- a

Unlike other girls, Mary doesn’t like______parties and ______cosmetics

A. the- the

B. the- zero

C. zero – the

D. zero – zero

Please turn off ______ air – conditioner when you leave ______room

A. the- the

B. a- the

C. a – a

D. the – a

Have you ever gone to ______prison to visit him?

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. zero

Can you show me ______ way to ______ post office please?

A. the- the

B. a – the

C. a – a

D. the – a

Last year I visited ______village in the Northern part of Vietnam. ______locals were very friendly.

A. the – the

B. a – an

C. a-the

D. the- zero

My sister told me that she had met her old teacher______ day before

A. the

B. a

C. an

D. zero

Jim hasn’t found ______ place to ______ night.

A. the – the

B. a – the

C. a – a

D. the – a

Peter was in______ hospital and yesterday we went to______hospital to visit him

A. the- zero

B. the- the

C. zero- the

D. the- a

Mr. Smith is ______ old customer of my store and he is also______man

A. the – the

B. a – an

C. an – a

D. the – a


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