Grammar Quiz

Antonyms Quiz


Antonym of unsafe

A. dangerous

B. safe

C. All (A,B,D)

D. risky

E. A and B

Antonym of After

A. in the wake of

B. next

C. before

D. later

Antonym of Domestic

A. both A and B

B. wild

C. safe

D. none of these

Antonym of Often

A. oven

B. Frequently

C. rare

D. Both B and C

Antonym of noisy

A. weasels

B. rare

C. wild

D. none of these

Antonym of weak

A. heavy

B. strong

C. srong

D. wild

Antonym of gentle

A. rare

B. often

C. release

D. cruel

Antonym of High

A. Low

B. strong

C. down

D. up

Antonym of tiny

A. huge

B. quiet

C. big

D. large

Antonym of Ugly

A. gentle

B. pretty

C. beautiful

D. rare


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