Grammar Quiz

Comparison Quiz


No one in this class is ….. Jimmy

A. as tall as

B. more tall

C. so tall than

D. taller as

This pagoda is ___________ than the palace.

A. most historic

B. more historic

C. the historic

D. historicer

Nobody is happier ………….. Miss Snow.

A. same

B. as

C. than

D. like

Deana is the …………………… of the three sisters.

A. most short

B. shorter

C. shortest

D. more short

There is a lot of vehicles in the town. It’s very __________.

A. peaceful

B. fantastic

C. memorial

D. noisy

Guitars aren’t _____________ many other instruments.

A. so expensive as

B. more expensive

C. the most expensive

D. expensiver than

The harder he plays, _______ he becomes.

A. more successful

B. most successful

C. the more successful

D. the most successful

I prefer ____________ in my neighborhood than the others.

A. living

B. to live

C. live

D. lived

Her daughter is ________ her.

A. as beautiful as

B. more beautifuller than

C. beautifuller than

D. the most beautiful

Nam is ____ boy in my class.

A. the taller

B. the tallest

C. tallest

D. taller

Lan is _____ at Maths than Lan.

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. well

Kate dances _________than Susan.

A. more beautiful

B. more beautifully

C. most beautifully

D. as beautifully

Living in the city is _____ than in the countryside.

A. more noisy

B. noisier

C. more noisier

D. less noisy

Tom Hanks is ______________ than me.

A. the more famous

B. famouser

C. the most famous

D. more famous

That dog isn’t ______ it looks.

A. so dangerous so

B. so dangerous as

C. more dangerous

D. the most dangerous

This is ___________ animal in the forest.

A. the rarest

B. the most rarest

C. rarer

D. the more rare

Jupiter is ……. planet in the solar system.

A. the biggest

B. the bigger

C. bigger

D. biggest

What is the comparative form of “difficult”?

A. more difficult

B. more dificult

C. difficultier

D. difficulter

That house is ……………… one on the street.

A. oldest

B. the oldest

C. old

D. older

Dogs are ________ than cats. (friendly)

A. friendlier

B. more friend

C. the friendliest

D. the most friendly

English is ________ than Chinese. (easy)

A. easier

B. more easier

C. the easy

D. the easiest

Some students are more ____________ than others.

A. cleverer

B. slower

C. successful

D. braver

The life in the village is ______ than the life in the city.

A. more quiet

B. quiter

C. quieter

D. quitest

Schools in Vietnam are ___________ those in the USA.

A. different as

B. different than

C. different from

D. the most different

Of the three shirts, this one is the ………………… .

A. prettier

B. most prettiest

C. prettiest

D. most pretty


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