Grammar Quiz

Present Simple Progressive Quiz


I am really sorry,I________to you,but I________anything you are saying.

A. am listening,don’t understand

B. listen,understand

C. am listenig,understand

D. am listening,am not understanding

What question matches the answer:

I practice swimmimg twice a week.
A. When do you practice swimming?

B. Do you practice swimming?

C. Why do you practice swimmimg?

D. How often do you practice swimming?

Every summer we______on the vaction,but this summer,because of the Corona,we_______here.

A. are flying,are staying

B. fly,stay

C. fly,are staying

D. fly,aren’t staying

What_______you______(plan)to do this weekend?

A. do,plan

B. are,planning

C. are planing

D. are plan

The police officer________the investiation right now and he_______to see the suspect.

A. is beginning,wants

B. begins,wants

C. is beginning,is wanting

D. is begining,wants

How much________this phone ________these days?

A. is, costing

B. does,cost

C. do,costs

D. does,costs

I_______a letter at the moment.

A. am writing

B. am writeing

C. write

D. writing

I_______us some tea,how much sugar________you_____in your tea?

A. am makeing,does,like

B. am making,do,like

C. making,do,like

D. am making,,are,liking

Where_______your father________?

A. is,working

B. do,work

C. does,works

D. does,work

Now I_____you!!!

A. remember

B. am remembering

C. remembers

D. remembers

Be careful!You________too fast and it______dangerous!

A. run,is

B. are runing,is

C. are running,is

D. are running,isn’t

Right now I________a grammar quiz in English and I_______that it is pretty good.

A. finish,am believing

B. am fiinishing,believe

C. finish,believe

D. finishes,believe

tick the correct sentence

A. speak and talk are stative verbs

B. eat and drink are stative verbs

C. run and race are stative verbs

D. remember and forget are stative verbs

______she_______to me?!

A. Is,lying

B. Is,lieing

C. Does,lie

D. Is,lie

And one more thing: I________in my studies so I always_________before a test and I_______good grades.

A. am aiming hig,am practicin,am getting

B. aim high,practice,am getting

C. aim high,practices,gets

D. aim high,practice,get

tick the correct sentence

A. Present simple is about routine and facts

B. present simple is about yesterday and last week

C. present simple is about tomorrow

D. present simple is about now and today

What question matches the answer:

The baby is crying because she is hungry.
A. Why is the baby crying?

B. Why the baby is crying?

C. Why does the baby cry?

D. Who is crying?

We usually________together outside,but today we_______to stay home.

A. spend time,prefer

B. are spending time,are prefering

C. spends time,prefering

D. spend time,don’t prefer

How often_______the teacher______them?

A. is,testing

B. do,test

C. does,tests

D. does,test

Many people in Israel_________to travel to Dubay these days because we finally_______peace with them.

A. are planning,have

B. are planning,are having

C. plan,have

D. plan,don’t have


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