Grammar Quiz

Sentence Types Quiz


Those clouds promise snow; we might get another snow day off from school.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

I know you don’t like him, but that doesn’t matter.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

Since we had only gone a mile from camp, we could turn back before dark.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

Dad went fishing, but Mama decided to stay home.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

Sarah and Ashley giggled and whispered all night.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

The vacation to Myrtle Beach should be extremely restful.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

Although he searched everywhere, Mr. Brooks could not find the keys to the computer lab.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

While the music played, Rachel sneaked in through the side door.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

What type of sentence has two independent clauses and is joined by a coordinate conjunction (FANBOYS) or a semicolon?

A. simple

B. compound

C. complex

Dr. Matthews did what could be done, but it simply was not enough to save his life.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

A subject and a verb that cannot stand alone is called a/an __________.

A. simple sentence

B. dependent clause

C. independent clause

Her left arm was badly broken at the wrist during the car accident.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

My classmates were wearing heavy clothes in the winter months.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

A sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause is called a ____________.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

Eric ran home the rest of the way because he knew he was in trouble.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

Mrs. Carrero said that will be enough, and everyone agreed.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence

Elijah remained at home because he had a sore throat.

A. simple sentence

B. compound sentence

C. complex sentence


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