Grammar Quiz

Similes and Body Idioms Quiz


What does “pretty as a picture” mean?

A. something is ugly

B. something you have a picture of

C. something is beautiful

D. something is in the shape of a frame

The play was a big hit!

A. was a success

B. was very long

Which simile means “Never listen to others’?

A. as calm as a cat

B. as cunning as a fox

C. as cool as a cucumber

D. as stubborn as a mule

Which simile means ‘showing a lack of courage or easily frightened’?

A. as brave as a lion

B. as calm as a cat

C. as timid as a cat

D. as timid as a mouse

I crossed my fingers with anticipation!

A. good luck

B. pointed at something

Choose the word that best completes the simile.
The stuffed animal was as soft as ___.
A. a pin
B. a board
C. a window
D. a cloud

like a fish out of water

A. feel unusual

B. feel comfortable

C. feel strange and uneasy

Choose the word that best completes the simile.
He ran as slow as a ___.
A. jaguar
B. race car
C. turtle
D. tornado

Which simile means “a piece of cake’?

A. as hardworking as an ant

B. as happy as a king

C. as clear as cystal

D. as easy as ABC

he Nintendo Wii cost an arm and a leg!

A. was very expensive

B. arms and legs are body parts

Is the following sentence a simile?
The artist’s painting was pretty.
A. Yes
B. No

I have the heart of a lion.
A. simile
B. metaphor

True or False?

A simile COMPARES 2 things.


I told the students to get their act together.

A. behave properly

B. acting out in a play

She practiced her lines. She knew the lines by heart.

A. memorized the lines

B. forgot the lines

Luz made up her mind to play Henny Penny.

A. understood

B. decided

A simile COMPARES 2 things using the words ____ or _____.

A. and, or

B. like, as

C. and, like

The night was as black as ________.




What does “pretty as a picture” mean?

A. something is ugly

B. something you have a picture of

C. something is beautiful

D. something is in the shape of a frame

Is the following sentence a simile?
Her hair was as yellow as the sun.
A. Yes
B. No

A little birdie told me that the test would be next week!

A. Someone told me a secret

B. a small bird

Choose the word that best completes the simile.
The cloud was as fluffy as ___.
A. a marshmallow
B. a nail
C. sand paper
D. a porcupine

Choose the word that best completes the simile.
The baby rabbit was as small as ___.
A. a whale
B. a mouse
C. a giant
D. an elephant

What two things are being compared in this sentence? After doing 20 push-ups John’s arms felt like limp noodles.

A. push-ups and John

B. arms and noodles

C. push-ups and noodles

D. John and noodles

It all sounded like a bunch of mumbo jumbo! I couldn’t understand what the teacher was saying!

A. To call something total nonsense

B. it was massive


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