Grammar Quiz

Social Media Vocabulary Quiz


To choose to see everything that someone posts on social media

A. follow

B. comment

C. block

D. like

The flu is ____________ during the winter months.

A. allure

B. prevalent

C. superficial

D. revenue

To include someone using @ or their name

A. like

B. comment

C. share

D. tag

To put someone else’s message on your social media page, or a friend’s social media page

A. block

B. share

C. like

D. comment

To stop someone from seeing your social media page

A. post

B. follow

C. share

D. block

What does superficial mean?

A. concerned with appearance or behavior that is not deep or genuine

B. full of energy

C. easily affected or harmed

D. common or generally accepted; widespread

Kids are very impressionable, making them highly ________________ to being persuaded to want to buy toys when they see commercials for them.

A. revenue

B. susceptible

C. allure

D. prevalent

To put something on a website or social media page

A. comment

B. share

C. post

D. like

The _________ of the diamond was too strong to resist: Indiana Jones had to have it.

A. allure

B. superficial

C. prevalent

D. susceptible

What does superficial mean?

A. unnecessary, especially through being more than enough

B. behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others

C. concerned with appearance or behavior that is not deep or genuine

D. being prone to disobedience and lack of discipline

To remove something so that it can’t be seen any more

A. share

B. comment

C. take down

D. tag

To write something, for example your opinion

A. comment

B. like

C. post

D. follow

My friend’s candle-making business increased its _________ dramatically this year, almost doubling its profits.

A. prevalent

B. superficial

C. revenue

D. susceptible

A picture you take of yourself

A. tag

B. selfie

C. post

D. pic

What does revenue mean?

A. income

B. frogs

C. freedom

D. a type of cheese

What does susceptible mean?

A. easily angered or upset

B. full of energy

C. old and lonely

D. easily affected or harmed

To show that you have read , and that you approve of a message

A. share

B. comment

C. follow

D. like

What does allure mean?

A. a celebrity

B. difficult to explain

C. something that hurts your eyes to look at

D. attraction; fascination

To express your opinion on a social media post

A. like

B. comment

C. share

D. follow

To prevent someone from interacting with your social media posts

A. like

B. comment

C. block

D. share

What does prevalent mean?

A. common or generally accepted; widespread

B. easy to accept

C. hard to locate on a map

D. hungry

I don’t hang out with my friends from last year because they are _________________. They only want to talk about makeup.

A. superficial

B. revenue

C. susceptible

D. allure


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