Grammar Quiz

Suffixes and Tenses Quiz


What is the meaning of the suffix -ful

A. can be done

B. full of

C. most

D. more

Identify the future tense form of the verb “write”.

A. Wrote

B. Writes

C. Writing

D. Will write

Identify the present tense form of the verb “swim” and use it in a sentence.

A. Swam; “He swam in the pool yesterday.”

B. Swum; “He has swum in the pool.”

C. Swim; “He can swim very fast.”

D. Swims; “He swims every morning.”

What is the meaning of the suffix -ful in cheerful and thankful?

A. most

B. one who

C. full of

D. without

What does the suffix “-less” imply in the word “fearless”?

A. Full of fear

B. Without fear

C. More fear

D. Less fear

Identify the present tense form of the verb “sing”.

A. Sang

B. Sung

C. Sing

D. Sings

Identify the role of the suffix “-ist” in the word “scientist” and explain its significance.

A. A person who studies science; “The scientist made a new discovery.”

B. A person who teaches; “The scientist taught the class.”

C. A person who writes; “The scientist wrote a book.”

D. A person who paints; “The scientist painted a picture.”

What does the suffix “-less” mean in the word “hopeless”?

A. Full of hope

B. Without hope

C. More hope

D. Less hope

What does the suffix “-ness” imply in the word “darkness”?

A. The act of being dark

B. Without dark

C. Full of dark

D. More dark

What does the suffix “-less” mean in the word “endless” and how does it change the meaning of the root word?

A. Full of end; “The endless road stretched before us.”

B. Without end; “The endless road stretched before us.”

C. More end; “The endless road stretched before us.”

D. Less end; “The endless road stretched before us.”

Look how careful she is holding that baby.
Being careful means…

A. full of care

B. not caring

C. needing care

D. not able to care

Suffixes are added to words to change their meaning.



Which of the following words contains the suffix “-ist”?

A. Driver

B. Pianist

C. Darkness

D. Fearless

Identify the past tense form of the verb “see” and use it in a sentence.

A. Sees; “He sees the bird.”

B. Seeing; “He is seeing the bird.”

C. Saw; “He saw the bird yesterday.”

D. Seen; “He has seen the bird.”

A suffix is the part of a word that changes the __________________ of the root word.

A. color

B. meaning

C. prefix

Explain the meaning of the suffix “-less” in the word “careless” and provide an example of its use in a sentence.

A. Full of care; “She is very careless with her belongings.”

B. Without care; “He was careless and broke the vase.”

C. More care; “She is careless about her studies.”

D. Less care; “He is careless about his appearance.”

What does the suffix -er mean?

A. the state of being

B. causing

C. someone who does

D. having

Identify the role of the suffix “-ist” in the word “journalist” and explain its significance.

A. A person who writes journals; “The journalist reported the news.”

B. A person who studies; “The journalist studied the topic.”

C. A person who teaches; “The journalist taught the class.”

D. A person who paints; “The journalist painted a picture.”

Identify the past tense form of the verb “eat” and use it in a sentence.

A. Eats; “He eats breakfast every day.”

B. Eating; “He is eating breakfast.”

C. Ate; “He ate breakfast this morning.”

D. Eaten; “He has eaten breakfast.”

Identify the present tense form of the verb “begin”.

A. Began

B. Begun

C. Begin

D. Begins

It is important to treat everyone with kindness. What is the suffix on this word.

A. ness

B. kind

C. less

D. ful

Identify the present tense form of the verb “drive” and use it in a sentence.

A. Drove; “He drove to work yesterday.”

B. Driven; “He has driven to work.”

C. Drive; “He can drive very well.”

D. Drives; “He drives to work every day.”

Which of the following words contains the suffix “-ist”?

A. Teacher

B. Artist

C. Happiness

D. Hopeless

Suffixes are added _____________ of a word.

A. at the beginning

B. in the middle

C. at the end

Explain the meaning of the suffix “-ness” in the word “kindness” and provide an example of its use in a sentence.

A. The act of being kind; “Her kindness was appreciated by everyone.”

B. Without kindness; “His kindness was unnoticed.”

C. Full of kindness; “She is kindness itself.”

D. More kind; “He showed kindness to everyone.”


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