Grammar Quiz

Phrase and Clause Quiz


I went to the dentist and she told me my teeth looked great.

A. Phrase

B. Clause

Your final paper is due in two weeks.

A. Phrase

B. Clause

Identify the independent clause.

A. The bear roared.

B. When the bear roared.

Choose the best clause to make this a grammatical sentence.

“When you go ice skating, ………”

A. although you can hold the rail to keep your balance.

B. it helps to hold the rail to keep your balance.

Choose the best clause to make this a grammatical sentence.

“I hope it will snow soon ……..”

A. because I want to go sledding.

B. I want to go sledding.

Identify the independent clause.

A. She drove me here.

B. Because she drove me here.

“With the bag of potatoes” is it a phrase or a clause?

A. Phrase

B. Clause

Choose the best clause to make this a grammatical sentence.

“We need to go get ice cream ……….”

A. unless they’re out of cookies and cream.

B. it’s so hot out today.

Identify the dependent clause.

A. That’s a great idea.

B. That you had.

The boy with the temporary dragon tattoo figured out why the sheep were missing.

A. Phrase

B. Clause

“Since Maria left for Nebraska” is this a phrase or a clause?

A. Phrase

B. Clause

Identify the dependent clause.

A. She is tired.

B. That she is tired.

Choose the best clause to make this a grammatical sentence.

“I think it’s supposed to rain today, ……”

A. so you should bring your umbrella with you.

B. before you bring your umbrella.

Dorothy asked for a glass of water, having invited herself in.

A. Phrase

B. Clause

I want to go get in my seat

A. Dependent clause

B. Independent clause


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