Grammar Quiz

Tag Question Quiz


Let’s turn off the lights before going out, ________?

A. will you

B. shall we

C. won’t you

D. shan’t we

He is lazy, ……………………….?

A. isn’t she?

B. is he?

C. isn’t he?

D. doesn’t she?

Let’s go to the beach, …………?

A. will we?

B. won’t we?

C. shan’t we?

D. shall we?

They can’t fly,

A. do they?

B. can’t they?

C. can they?

Mai hasn’t done her homework, ………………..?

A. had she?

B. has not she?

C. hasn’t she?

D. has she?

John has worked hard, _________________?

A. hasn’t he

B. does he

C. did he

D. has he

These cats look immensely lovely,______?

A. are these

B. don’t these

C. are they

D. don’t they

You don’t know him,__________________ ?

A. do you

B. don’t you

C. are you

D. aren’t you

He doesn’t wash the dishes,

A. do he?

B. don’t he?

C. does he?

I’m a bit late, ______?

A. am not I

B. aren’t you

C. are you

D. aren’t I

Your brother teaches English, _________?

A. does he

B. doesn’t he

C. do he

D. isn’t he

Ba rarely goes out at night, ________?

A. does he

B. doesn’t Ba

C. isn’t he

D. doesn’t he

My check was seldom correct, _______?

A. was it

B. wasn’t it

C. isn’t it

D. is it

E. won’t it

She doesn’t imagine that I have much money,______?

A. does she

B. do I

C. haven’t I

D. doesn’t she

You don’t have my keys, _____?

A. have you

B. does you

C. do you

The cases of COVID 19 outside China have increased 13 fold,________?

A. will they

B. haven’t they

C. hasn’t they

D. did they

You can’t speak English, ………………?

A. can’t you?

B. can not you?

C. can you?

D. you can’t?

Nothing bad happened, ………………?

A. did it?

B. didn’t it?

C. was it?

D. wasn’t it?

It is time to go to bed now, _____?

A. aren’t it

B. isn’t it

C. is it

He ought to do that, …………….?

A. oughtn’t he?

B. ought he?

C. does he?

D. doesn’t he?

He seldom goes to the library, ______?

A. doesn’t he

B. is he

C. does he

D. isn’t he

John has worked hard, _________________?

A. does he

B. did he

C. has he

D. hasn’t he

He can speak English, _________________ ?

A. can he

B. can’t he

C. can’t him

D. is he

I think he will join us, _____?

A. doesn’t he

B. won’t he

C. will he

D. don’t I

You stayed home last night, _________?

A. had you

B. would you

C. didn’t you

D. did you


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