Grammar Quiz

Tenses of Verbs Quiz


I ____________________ about you when you called.

A. have been thinking

B. was thinking

C. will be thinking

Shaira usually ___________ at school before seven.

A. arrived

B. arrives

C. will arrive

Uncle Tome moved his desk to his new office.

A. simple

B. perfect

C. progressive

Sam and Erin have just arrived at the party.

A. simple

B. perfect

C. progressive

The doctor _______________ a critical operation right now.

A. has been performing

B. was performing

C. is performing

Kian ___________ the poem two years ago.

A. wrote

B. writes

C. will write

Choose the simple form of the underline verb.

I ________ the movie at the theater last night.

A. watched

B. was watching

C. had watched

It is surprising that you have not _________ Mr. Jones yet.

A. met

B. meet

C. are meeting

Surely, many volunteers ___________ the brigade this Sunday.

A. joined

B. join

C. will join

The team was running across town to the school.

A. simple

B. perfect

C. progressive

Choose the simple form to complete each sentence.

Mrs. Smith’s class _________ if they won the weekly challenge in PE.

A. wondered

B. is wondering

C. has wondered

Choose the perfect form of the underlined verb.

She accepted the job offer.

A. accepted

B. had accepted

C. will be accepting

She ________________ about all night in her room and has still not rested.

A. was been walking

B. had been walking

C. has been walking

Choose the simple form to complete each sentence.

The monkey ________ all the bananas.

A. was eating

B. had eaten

C. ate

She ___________ for Colombo next week.

A. will be leaving

B. has left

C. is going

My dad ___________ some food packs for the frontliners tomorrow.

A. sent

B. sends

C. will send

According to the Doctor, the injury will have healed by next month.

A. simple

B. perfect

C. progressive

The dogs have been barking all night.

A. perfect

B. progressive perfect

C. progressive

Choose the simple form to complete each sentence.

The basketball team ______ the championship.

A. had won

B. was winning

C. won


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