Grammar Quiz

Transitive or Intransitive Verbs Quiz


The dog ran across the road after a squirrel.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

The bus drivers took a wrong turn at the last stop light.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

My parents watched the birds around our bird feeder.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

My friends and I love to play in the evenings at sunset

A. transitive

B. intransitive

The students enjoyed the concert very much.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

Her brother from Florida is named Adam.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

The father of that student is a baseball player on a national team.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

Is this sentence transitive or intransitive?

The girl brought her cat to the birthday party.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

He read 14 books in one month.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

The champ of the competition was he.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

After finishing the race, Mikaela sighed.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

Did you send your dog to the vet?

A. transitive

B. intransitive

The teacher gave the children crayons to color the poster.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

The boy in the classroom was singing loudly.

A. transitive

B. intransitive

My sister ran across the parking lot.

A. transitive

B. intransitive


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