Grammar Quiz

[ Tenses ]

Sara ___________ her passport again. It is the second time that it _________ to her. ( to lose/ to happen )

A. lost / happened

B. has lost / has happened

C. has lost / is happening

D. lost / has happened

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Passive Voice › View

The flight there took three hours, and she had to hire a cab to take her to the testing site.

A. Correct.
B. She flew three hours, and then hired a cab to the testing site.
C. She had to fly three hours and take a cab to the testing site.

Grammar : can, could and be able to › View

Yesterday I lost my keys and I looked for them everywhere, but I _____ find them.

A. couldn’t

B. can’t

C. be able to

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.