Grammar Quiz

[ Conditional Sentence 0, 1 ]

I will buy a Pepsi if Emily _________ the picnic basket.

A. picking

B. picked

C. picks

D. pick

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This modal verb is used when something is impossible or not true.

A. might/may/could

B. can’t

C. must

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Which sentence demonstrates using commas to separate two or more adjectives that come before a noun? 

A. Nala loves to play fetch, chase squirrels, and look out the window. 

B. This sweet, creamy icing really made the cinnamon roll delicious. 

C. A landscape painting, in my opinion, would look better in this room than a portrait. 

D. We started back to school on January 4, 2017. 

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.