Grammar Quiz

[ Modals ]

The sign says ‘no ball games’ so you …………………. play football here.

A. must

B. mustn’t

C. have to

Select your answer:

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Simple Future Tense Past ParticipleParts of SpeechSimple Present Continuous TenseVerb Tenses and Past ParticiplesSubjunctiveAdverb PhrasesUsed to - Would - TensesThe Structural Types of Sentences

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Simple Present Tense › View

I ______________ breakfast at 7:00 am.

A. Eat
B. Eats

Present Continuous › View

Answer the question
What are you doing?

A. I am studying English

B. He is studying

C. She was studying

D. They are studying

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.