Grammar Quiz

[ Passive Voice ]

They claimed that everything they said was true.

A. They was claimed that everything they said was true

B. It was claimed that everything they said was true

C. was it claimed that everything they said was true

D. they said was true it was claimed that everything

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Figurative Language › View

Why do people use figurative language?

A. To make their writing interesting and visual, or to emphasis an idea and make a point.

B. To be grammatically correct.

C. To structure their writing into paragraphs.

D. Because Beyonce uses it in her songs. 

Tenses › View

Earlier that afternoon he … all the tickets that now he … in his hand.

A. bought, held

B. was buying, had held

C. had bought, was holding

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.