Grammar Quiz

Grammar - Sentence Structure Quiz


Which is the Verb in “I usually go for a walk in the park”

A. I

B. go

C. walk

D. park

Which one here is NOT a correct sentence?

A. I like your shirt

B. She cooking with her parents

C. Lia is one of my students

D. A time machine is something everyone wants

Which one here is NOT a correct sentence?

A. In my house, I learning English

B. My sister is doing her homework

C. My dad likes cooking

D. My mom never makes pizza

Which in the Subject in “The white T-shirt is too expensive for me”

A. T-shirt

B. The white T-shirt

C. expensive

D. me

Which is the Verb in “She is the most pretty girl in the room”

A. she

B. is

C. pretty

D. in

Which one here is NOT a correct sentence?

A. There are many things that a doctor must learn

B. A doctor cures many people

C. Being a doctor very difficult job

D. I like to be a doctor

Which is the Object in “We are learning English”

A. we

B. are

C. learning

D. English

Which is the Object in “My mother never cooks pizza”

A. my mother

B. never

C. cooks

D. pizza

A subject can NOT be….

A. a noun

B. a pronoun

C. a name

D. to be

which of the following is NOT a verb?

A. are

B. loving

C. hate

D. like

what is the SUBJECT of “Because of my sister, I have to stay home”

A. sister

B. my

C. I

D. home

Which one here is NOT a correct sentence?

A. The covid 19 pandemic so scary

B. This is the best meal in my life

C. Tom wishes he could go out and play

D. Staying at home is fun too

which of the following is NOT a verb?

A. is

B. am

C. run

D. swimming

A correct sentence must have: Subject & Predicate (V+other info)



Which is the Verb in “We are learning English with the teacher”

A. we

B. are

C. learning

D. with


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