Grammar Quiz

like/do not like Quiz


She ………………… eggs, fish and an apple.

A. have got

B. haven’t got

C. has got

Odd one out

A. milk

B. water

C. juice

D. bread

I am……….., so I don’t want to eat any more.

A. hungry

B. thirsty

C. full

D. small

Do you like elephants?

A. Yes, I am

B. No, I don’t.

C. No, I do

D. Yes, I don’t.

My friend………………. English on Monday and Friday

A. not have

B. isn’t have

C. don’t have

D. doesn’t have

Odd one out

A. present

B. cake

C. card

D. forty

She………………. to the radio in the morning.

A. listens

B. watches

C. listen

D. watch

His brother doesn’t ______ doing homework

A. likes

B. liking

C. like

D. liked

_______ she like snakes?

A. Is

B. Do

C. Does

D. Have

Rachel is studying medicine. She ________ it .

A. like

B. likes

C. liking

……………..Mai have long or short?

A. Does

B. Is

C. Do

D. Did

I like ____ to school by bike

A. go

B. going

C. do

D. doing

Odd one out

A. tiger

B. snake

C. rubber

D. giraffe


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