Grammar Quiz

Passive Voice Quiz


Did they claim that they had managed to solve the problem?

A. It was claimed that they had managed to solve the problem?

B. Was it claim that they had managed to solve the problem?

C. Was it claimed that they had managed to solve the problem?

D. Did it claimed that they had managed to solve the problem?

Transitive verbs have direct objects.



A letter was written by them.

A. They wrote a letter.

B. They written a letter.

Many writers were …. Shakespeare.

A. influence by

B. influenced by

C. influence for

D. influenced buy

‘Let’s work out the solution together!’ Peter says.

A. Peter suggested working out the solution together

B. Peter suggested that working out the solution together.

C. Peter suggested should work out the solution together.

D. Peter suggested to working out the solution together.

These curtains are so dirty. They must ____ .

A. be cleaned

B. clean

C. cleaned

“I really don’t want to do the laundry. Maybe I should ask dad to do it for me.”

Which sentence has the same meaning with the underlined?

A. Maybe I should have the laundry done by dad.

B. Maybe I should have asked the laundry.

C. Maybe I should have done the laundry.

D. Maybe I should do it for dad.

Active: Everyone is going to love her.

Passive: She______by everyone.

A. Was going to be loved

B. Is going to be loved

His friend Deborah baked him a chocolate cake.

A. Transitive

B. Intransitive

This road ________ larger next year.

A. will open

B. will be opened

C. opened

D. opens

Choose the correct form for Passive Voice

They make shoes in that factory.

A. Shoes are made in that factory.

B. Shoes were made in that factory.

C. Shoes will be made in that factory.

D. Shoes are being made in that factory.

The school boy ________ in the accident.

A. seriously injured

B. seriously was injured

C. was seriously injured

D. to be injured seriously

In the 1970’s, this car ____________.

The correct passive verb to fill in the blank is?
A. will be manufactured

B. was manufactured

C. is manufactured

D. when manufactured

The roof of the building … in a storm a few days ago.

A. damage

B. damaged

C. is damaged

D. was damaged

Does Mr. Brown suggest that Peter …………to school on his own

A. goes

B. go

Which of the sentences us the correct passive voice?

A. 1 and 2

B. 1 and 3

C. 2 and 4

D. 3 and 4

My mother wrote that letter.

=> That letter … by my mother.

A. are written

B. is written

C. was written

D. was wrote

Your application ………. by the end of the month.

A. Will be reviewed

B. Will be review

C. Will rewiev

D. Review

When we returned home, the walls ___.

A. has been painted

B. will be painted

C. had been painted

In the past, candles __________________________________ for light, because there was no electricity.

A. used

B. were used

C. was used

D. using

He had a dream.

A. Active Voice

B. Passive Voice

In our country, elections for President … every five years.

A. hold

B. held

C. is held

D. are held

Which question is correct?

A. Who was the song written by?

B. Who was the song write?

C. Who did the song write by?

D. Who wrote the song by?

They aren’t eating the cake.

A. The cake aren’t being eaten.

B. The cake isn’t being eaten.

C. They aren’t being eaten.

This exercise will … at home by the students.

A. be doing

B. do

C. have done

D. be done


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