Grammar Quiz

Regular and Irregular Verbs Quiz


Simple Past

We________(clean) the house on Sunday.

A. baked

B. bakeed

C. cleaned

D. cleand

How do you say comido into English?

A. eat

B. ate

C. eaten

Irregular Verbs


A. went

B. ran

C. saw

D. slept

Simple Past

My mother__________(bake) a cake.

A. baked

B. bakeed

C. cleaned

D. cleand

Why is important to know verb tenses into English

A. because it is cool

B. because it is fun

C. because it helps us to have a higher conversation and grammar level

I ______________ a mouse yesterday.

A. see

B. saw

C. seed

What is the action verb in the sentence?

Ms. Montes wrote this quiz late last night.

A. Ms

B. wrote

C. Montes

D. quiz

What is the past participle of go

A. went

B. goed

C. gone

The students _____________ a photo yesterday.

A. take

B. taked

C. took

What is the past of read

A. read

B. readed

C. readet

Simple Past

We______(skip) in the park.

A. hopped

B. hopped

C. skiped

D. skipped

Verbs in Past


A. came

B. ate

C. gave

D. brought

What are regular verbs?

A. The ones that when changed to past are added “t”

B. The ones that when changed to past are added “l”

C. The ones that when changed to past are added “d” “ed” or “ied”

What are irregular verbs?

A. The ones that when chancged into past or past participle are totally changed or not change at all

B. The verb to be

C. They are verbs that can be divided into clauses

Comple the sequence: do, did…

A. doing

B. do

C. done

I ____________ games with my sister yesterday.

A. play

B. played

C. playyed

The past tense of: do

A. does

B. don’t

C. did

Dad ___________ a cake yesterday.

A. make

B. maked

C. made

Translate the following sentence: “le compré a mi hijo una bicicleta nueva, y el la manejó toda la tarde”

A. I bought a new bike

B. I bought a newer bike

C. I bought a new bike to my son and he rode it all the afternoon

Irregular Verbs


A. took

B. wrote

My brother ____________ the game yesterday.

A. win

B. won

C. winned

The students________(walk) to school every day.

A. walkd

B. walked

C. playyed

D. played

Irregular Verbs


A. went

B. ran

C. saw

D. slept

The phone _____________ loudly yesterday.

A. rings

B. rang

C. ringed

In which tenses do we normally use past participle form?

A. into present continous

B. into simple present

C. Into present perfect and past perfect


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