Grammar Quiz

Relative Clauses and Past Perfect Quiz


Choose the right forms of the verbs:

Before Sara (go) to Germany, she … (see, never) snow in her life.
A. went/ had never seen

B. had gone/ never saw

Choose the right forms of the verbs:

My friend … (eat) up all the cookies we … (bake).
A. ate/ had baked

B. had eaten/ baked

Do you need the relative pronoun?

The man who you saw in the house is my cousin.
A. yes

B. no

Do you need the relative pronoun?

I cannot forget the song which they played last night.
A. yes

B. no

Choose the right relative pronoun:

Maradona, ___ was Argentinian, died in 2020.
A. who

B. which

C. whose

Do you need the relative pronoun?

The book which is on the table belongs to Brandon.
A. yes

B. no

Do you need the relative pronoun?

The museum which we visited last month is closed now.
A. yes

B. no

Choose the right relative pronoun:

The man, ___ gun is on the floor, has left.
A. who

B. which

C. whose

Choose the right forms of the verbs:

We … the museum that our friend … us about a month before.
A. had visited/ told

B. visited/ had told

Choose the right relative pronoun:

He knows a woman ___ is very famous.
A. who

B. which

C. whose

Choose the right relative pronoun:

That’s an exercise ___ everyone can do.
A. who

B. which

C. whose

Choose the right forms of the verbs:

When Simon … out to play, he … his homework.
A. went/ had already done

B. had gone/ already did

Choose the right relative pronoun:

I have a friend ___ name is Abraham
A. who

B. which

C. whose

Do you need the relative pronoun?

Bob, who I know very well, is going out with Mary.
A. yes

B. no

Choose the right forms of the verbs:

My sister … (see / not) the note that I … (lay) on the kitchen table for her.
A. had not seen/ laid

B. did not see/ had laid


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