Grammar Quiz

Simple Present and Simple Past Quiz


I _____________________ television late last night. I went to bed early because I was so tired.

A. watched

B. watch

C. didn’t watch

D. don’t watch

Did she __________ a pair of shoes a few days ago?

A. buy

B. bougth

C. buys

We ———– coffee at 11 o’clock every morning.

A. have

B. has

C. had

D. having

I ________at 5 am every morning

A. get up

B. gets up

C. got up

The dog __________ its toy last night.

A. eats

B. eat

C. ate

D. eaten

I _________________ lunch yesterday. It was delicious!

A. didn’t cook

B. cooked

C. don’t cook

D. cook

They __________ enjoy the last party.

A. don´t

B. didn´t

C. not

She _________ understand the class.

A. isn’t

B. doesn’t

C. don’t

My parents …………. angry last night because I ………….. late.

A. were – were

B. was – was

C. was – were

D. were – was

He ————– up early every morning.

A. wake

B. waked

C. woke

D. wakes

The dog __________ its toy last night

A. eats

B. eat

C. ate

D. eaten

She …….this food here every afternoon for lunch

A. do not eat

B. did not eat

C. does not eat

The kangaroo always _______ its baby.

A. carry

B. carries

C. carrys

D. carried

__________ Tommy and Elena work last week?

A. Did

B. Do

C. Does

Did you __________ Granada Island last year?

A. visit

B. visited

C. visits

Polly and Ken ______ at the cinema last night.

A. was

B. were

I ____ at the beach yesterday morning.

A. was

B. were

Nicky ______ at the zoo yesterday.

A. was

B. were

A : I arrived home very late yesterday.

B : …………. a lot of work to do at your office?

A. Have you

B. Do you have

C. Did you have

D. Have you had

Do you __________ to class early everyday?

A. comes

B. came

C. come

I………to the school alone yesterday

A. walk

B. walked

C. walks

She __________ listening to English music every day.

A. liked

B. like

C. likes

I couldn’t make an omelette. I …….any eggs.

A. don’t have

B. didn’t have

C. had

D. have

____________ a test last week?

A. Do you have

B. Does you have

C. Did you have

D. Did you had

He ……in this restaurant 2 days ago

A. drank

B. drink

C. drinks


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