Grammar Quiz

[ Grammar ]

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

A. A glider’s long narrow wings allow it to glide on warm air currents.

B. A gliders’ long narrow wings allow it to glide on warm air currents.

C. A glider’s long narrow wing’s allow it to glide on warm air currents.

D. A gliders’ long narrow wings’ allow it to glide on warm air currents.

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Eating fruits and vegetables is good for health.

A. with gerund

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I was doubtful of your success . (change to negative without altering the meaning)

A. I think you should not be successful.

B. Your success is not meant.

C. I was not sure of your success.

D. Your success is not doubtful.

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.