Grammar Quiz

[ Future Continuous Tense ]

They will be___________________________ down the posters when the seminar ends.

A. took

B. take

C. takes

D. taking

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Which sentence is NOT correct?

A. His desire to complete the lesson himself has driven him to study carefully.

B. Gail was so upset about her grade on her essay that she signed herself up for a class in basic writing.

C. This new class gave herself the confidence to write well.

D. I myself could use a course in writing.

Infinitives › View

What is the infinitive phrase in the following sentence?

In the mall, we want to walk quickly to the food court.
A. to walk

B. to the food court

C. In the mall

D. to walk quickly to the food court

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.