Grammar Quiz

[ Grammar ]

The shoes are ………………………

A. dirty very

B. very dirty

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February is the time of the year that many people get colds and ___.
a. flew
b. flue
c. flu

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Choose the correct sentence.

A. The dessert trolley featured several kinds of puddings; bread and butter pudding, crumble and sticky toffee pudding.
B. The dessert trolley featured several kinds of puddings: bread and butter pudding, crumble and sticky toffee pudding.
C. The dessert trolley featured several kinds of puddings bread and butter pudding, crumble and sticky toffee pudding.
D. The dessert trolley featured several kinds of puddings, bread and butter pudding, crumble and sticky toffee pudding.

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.