Grammar Quiz

[ Verb Tenses ]

Which verb tense is used to describe an action that will happen and be ongoing in the future?

A. Future continuous tense

B. Present continuous tense

C. Future perfect tense

D. Past continuous tense

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_____ the TRUMPET is the smallest brass instrument, it can play the highest notes of all the brass instruments and often plays in marches or fanfares.

A. Because

B. Although

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Asking & Giving Attention › View

Mrs. Maya : May I have your attention? Now let’s say it


Students : “Yes, we are ready. We will use English in the

English class.”

Mrs. Maya : Hey, Randi. Stop doing that, please.

Randi : I’m so sorry, Ma’am. Yes, I am.

The teacher says, “May I have your attention, please?”

What does she express?

a. She checks students’ understanding

b. She asks students to pay attention

c. She asks Randi’s opinion

d. She asks Randi to pay attention

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.