Grammar Quiz

[ Vocab Checking ]

What is the synonym for “misconduct”?

A. proper conduct

B. misbehavior

C. behavior

D. code of conduct

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Comma › View

For example you will have to use chlorine a strong disinfectant in the pool to keep it clean.

A. For example you will have to use chlorine a strong disinfectant in the pool to keep it clean.
B. For example, you will have to use chlorine, a strong disinfectant, in the pool to keep it clean.
C. For example you will have to use chlorine, a strong disinfectant, in the pool to keep it clean.
D. For example, you will have to use chloring, a strong disinfectant, in the pool, to keep it clean.

Grammar › View

We _________________ go to the bank today. We don’t have any money!

A. can

B. must

C. could

D. might

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