Grammar Quiz

[ Comparative ]

It’s not always true that rich people donate ………. than poor people.

A. more slowly

B. more traditionally

C. more generously

D. more soundly

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Which of these sentences is written correctly?

A. The dogs jumped the fence, and they became lost. Mr. Frost the owner searched all day for them.

B. The dogs jumped the fence, and they became lost. Mr. Frost, the owner, searched all day for them.

C. The dogs jumped the fence, and they became lost, Mr. Frost, the owner, searched all day for them.

Grammar › View

Complete the sentence by choosing the correct missing connecting word:

Solar power is clean energy. ______, wind power is sustainable.

A. Consequently

B. Therefore

C. Likewise

D. On the other hand

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.