Grammar Quiz

Nouns, Pronouns, Antecedents, and Singular and Plural Quiz


George wants to go into politics; he finds (it/them) exciting.

A. it

B. them

Neither Sally nor Elly has turned in (her/their) report.

A. her

B. their

Some of the vanilla has lost (its/their) flavor.

A. its

B. their

The team can’t play (its, their) best when it’s too hot.

A. its

B. their

Anyone can join our group if (he/they) is really interested.

A. he

B. they

John should not worry too much about (his/their) past mistakes.

A. his

B. her

Some of the team are wearing (his/their) new helmets.

A. his

B. their

Every class officer will do (her/their) best.

A. her

B. their

Anna should be in (her/his) seat before the curtain goes up.

A. his

B. her

Anybody can learn to set up (his, their) own tent.

A. his

B. their

Nobody plays (his/their) best when the humidity is very high.

A. his

B. their

Tom and Jim can submit (his/their) report today.

A. his

B. their

Everyone should do (his/their) best work on the project.

A. his

B. their

Either Bill or Tony will lend you (his/their) book.

A. his

B. their

Each of the girls takes care of (her/their) own room.

A. her

B. their


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