Spelling Quiz
English multiple-choice grammar quiz about Spelling
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Levi jumpt right in!
A. jumpd
B. jumped
C. jupmed
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Ryu will shoe everyone how to dive.
A. show
B. showe
C. shoew
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Geraldo was carefull not to drop any crumbs.
A. carful
B. careful
C. carfull
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
They invited other peeple to come.
A. poeple
B. people
C. peaple
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Kara bleu bubbles in the water.
A. blue
B. blew
C. bloow
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Their dog waged its tail.
A. wagged
B. waggd
C. wagd
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Emma took a cookie when no one was watcheing.
A. watching
B. waching
C. wawching
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Someone said the movie wod start soon.
A. would
B. wood
C. woud
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Geraldo asket if he could have some, too.
A. askd
B. askt
C. asked
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
There are meny people at the movie.
A. manny
B. many
C. meany
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Gavin lade his towel on the chair.
A. laide
B. laid
C. layd
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
The movie was vary good.
A. verry
B. very
C. varry
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Mrs. Evans gaev Tamika money for the movies.
A. gave
B. gav
C. gaeve
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Hannah swims with great spede.
A. spead
B. speed
C. speede
Choose the correct spelling for the underlined word.
Jani and Irwin will swim in the pule.
A. pulle
B. pool
C. poll