Correlative Conjunction Quiz
English multiple-choice grammar quiz about Correlative Conjunction
I have to choose ________ a cat ________ a rabbit as my pet.
A. either .. or
B. neither .. nor
___________ the father _____ the mother has to attend the meeting.
A. either….or
B. neither….nor
She plans__________ to make pasta ___soup for dinner.
A. neither…….nor
B. either…..or
____________ the teacher ______ the students were in the classroom this morning.
A. neither….nor
B. either…or
I did not go to the birthday party. I did not go to the wedding.
A. I went neither to the birthday party nor the wedding.
B. I went either to the birthday party or the wedding.
Nora likes ____________ badminton ___________ tennis. She does not like both games.
A. neither ….. nor
B. either …. or
We play _____ tennis ____ basketball.
A. either, or
B. both, and
C. neither, nor
D. either, nor
You can go left. You can go right.
A. You can either go left or right.
B. You can neither go left nor right.
The curry is _______ spicy __________ salty. It is tasteless.
A. either … or
B. neither … nor
C. neither … or
D. either … nor
When I go to the home for the elderly, I ______sing song _____ recite poems for its residents.
A. either….or
B. neither….nor
_________my mother ______my sister at home. It’s too quiet.
A. Either…or
B. Neither…nor
_____________ you clean your room _____________ you will stay home this weekend.
A. either/or
B. whether/or
C. not only/but also
D. both/and
My grandmother can _____read _____write. She is illiterate.
A. either…or
B. neither…nor
You can have ________ coffee ____tea.
A. neither…..nor
B. either…..or
I will buy ……… book but also magazine tomorrow.
A. either
B. neither
C. both
D. whether
E. not only