Grammar Quiz

Sentence Completion Quiz


There was a fiercely ______ atmosphere in the sales office, where employees vied with one another over a limited number of bonuses awarded to top sellers.

A. competitive

B. depressing

C. expensive

D. astonishing

The residents were instructed to __________ the area when the volcano erupted.

A. evacuate

B. empty

C. flee

D. abandon

Despite her ______ tastes, Catherine was mindful of the future and never allowed ______ spending to endanger her financial security.

A. aristocratic … pious

B. pragmatic … negligent

C. lavish … excessive

D. impoverished … tenacious

The technician will help you —– the new software on your computer.

A. hire

B. invite

C. install

D. excuse

Any good business manager will tell you that _______ is the key to efficiency.

A. organized

B. organize

C. organizer

D. organization

Over the last 6 years, most shipments from Manning Company’s warehouse have arrived at their destination —– 48 hours.

A. among

B. between

C. from

D. within

Thomas Henry Huxley was known as “Darwin’s Bulldog” for his vigorous defense of evolutionary theory against the arguments of its ______.

A. founder

B. detractors

C. believers

D. researchers

Please arrive fifteen minutes before the start of the workshop —– you will have time to register.

A. which

B. however

C. because of

D. so that

When threatened, skunks release a ______ odor powerful enough to ward off potential predators.

A. voracious

B. classic

C. residual

D. pungent

Everyone seeking entry to the premises must _______ an identification card to the security guard.

A. showed

B. showing

C. shows

D. show

As a courtesy to other audience members, please refrain from —– your mobile phone once the performance has started.

A. use

B. used

C. using

D. to use

Mr. Wong has been recognized by the local business community for his knowledge and _______.

A. leading

B. lead

C. leadership

D. leader

If the costumer ________ not satisfied, please have him call the manager.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be

Although the mayor was well liked by most of the town’s residents, his ________ approach to crime prompted calls for tougher enforcement from some members of the community.

A. rigid

B. successful

C. lax

D. proven

A kitchen worker should always —– the floor before the restaurant closes each night.

A. wash

B. washes

C. washed

D. washing

With his ______ eye for detail, the appraiser was easily able to spot that the piece was a fraud and not a real Picasso.

A. inattentive

B. discerning

C. superficial

D. neglectful

The students are expected to finish —– the books on the reading list before the semester ends.

A. more

B. the most

C. almost

D. most of

By the time Mr. Sato _______ in San Diego, the convention will have already begun.

A. arrives

B. arrived

C. has arrived

D. will arrive

Visitors are reminded _______ name tags at all times.

A. to wear

B. wear

C. be worn

D. is wearing

Both the age and the —– of an antique table can affect its value.

A. condition

B. conditioned

C. conditionally

D. conditional

In order to respect our guests’ privacy, employees at the Palms Hotel are _______ to knock before entering rooms for any reasons.

A. requited

B. required

C. requisite

D. repulsed

Many people think that hot coffee —– good on cold mornings.

A. flavors

B. drinks

C. tastes

D. starts

Raymond has been working on that account just for a few days, but he is _______ completely familiar with the client’s background.

A. yet

B. since

C. already

D. soon

Because Ms. Kimura has a long _______, she will always leave work at 5:30.

A. commute

B. commune

C. community

D. compost

To stay fit, try to exercise as —– as you can.

A. very

B. often

C. ever

D. so


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