Articles & Compound Nouns Quiz
English multiple-choice grammar quiz about Articles & Compound Nouns
I’m looking for ______job. Did Mary get ________job she applied for?
A. a – the
B. the -a
C. a – a
D. the – the
If you want to see historical places, it is a good idea to go on a guided _______.
A. voyage
B. visit
C. tour
D. cruise
Did ______police find ______person who stole your bike?
A. a – a
B. the – the
C. a – the
D. the – a
Let’s make sure that we stay at a hotel with a ________.
A. swimming pool
B. check-out
C. drawback
D. stopover
Beijing works best as a _________on journey to Sydney and Melbourne.
A. check-in
B. check-out
C. stopover
D. bustop
The motorway was blocked because there had been a _________.
A. touchdown
B. mix-up
C. pile-up
D. full board
It is _______in Cornwall, and the hotels have reduced their prices.
A. low season
B. stopover
C. pile-up
D. mix-up
We should arrive at the airport before _______time.
A. low season
B. jet lag
C. check-in
D. boarding pass
The manager is away on a business ______, so I am in charge of the office now.
A. trip
B. tour
C. voyage
D. visit
We went out for ______dinner last night. _______restaurant we went to was excellent.
A. x – a
B. the – the
C. x – the
D. the – a
She must have a _________to be allowed to get on an plane or a ship.
A. check-in
B. boarding pass
C. driving licence
D. jet lag
This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine. ________newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where ________magazine is.
A. a – a
B. a – the
C. the – the
D. the – a
We live in _______big house in _______middle of the village.
A. a – a
B. a – the
C. the – the
D. the – a
There was a ________with our tickets – we were charged for one-way tickets and not a round trip.
A. pile-up
B. mix-up
C. touchdown
D. full board
I’m still suffering from ________after my trip to Australia.
A. package tour
B. checkout
C. stopover
D. jet lag