Idiom and Tenses Quiz
English multiple-choice grammar quiz about Idiom and Tenses
Determine the tense of the sentence: ‘I had seen that movie before.’
A. Present Perfect Tense
B. Simple Past Tense
C. Future Perfect Tense
D. Past Perfect Tense
She__to the gym everyday
A. Goes
B. Go
C. Going
D. Gone
What does the idiom ‘spill the beans’ mean?
A. To make a decision.
B. To avoid problems.
C. To reveal a secret.
D. To keep a secret.
What does the idiom ‘let the cat out of the bag’ mean?
A. Make a new plan.
B. Ignore the problem.
C. Reveal a secret.
D. Keep a secret.
What does the idiom ‘the ball is in your court’ mean?
A. You don’t have to do anything.
B. The decision has been made by someone else.
C. Everyone has to wait their turn.
D. The responsibility or decision is in your hands.
Determine the tense of the sentence: ‘She is reading a book.’
A. Present Perfect Tense
B. Present Continuous Tense
C. Future Perfect Tense
D. Past Simple Tense
Determine the tense of the sentence: ‘We were watching a movie.’
A. Present Continuous Tense
B. Past Simple Tense
C. Future Continuous Tense
D. Past Continuous Tense
Determine the tense of the sentence: ‘They will go to the party.’
A. Past tense
B. Present tense
C. Conditional tense
D. Future tense
What is a synonym for “happy”?
A. Angry
B. Sad
C. Joyful
D. Tired
“She’s over the moon about her new job.” What does “over the moon” mean?
A. Very Happy
B. Very Sad
C. Very Angry
D. Very Well
What is the opposite of “happy”?
A. Joyful
B. Content
C. Unhappy
D. Excited
What does the idiom ‘under the weather’ mean?
A. Getting a new job.
B. On vacation at the beach.
C. Feeling unwell or not good.
D. Feeling very happy.
“He’s singing the blues.” What does “singing the blues” mean?
A. Singing sadly
B. Singing happily
C. Singing loudly
D. Singing quietly
What is the opposite of “fast”?
A. Slow
B. Quick
C. Rapid
D. Swift
What does the idiom ‘break the ice’ mean?
A. To break ice in the sea.
B. To create a calm atmosphere.
C. To start a conversation in a awkward situation.
D. To keep distance in a conversation.