Grammar Quiz

Action vs Linking Verbs/ Verb Phrases Quiz


Identify the verb or verb phrase:Sheila must have found a mistake.

A. found

B. have found

C. must have found

D. found a mistake

What is the verb phrase in this sentence?

Hagrid could have been doing a better job.

A. could have

B. could have been

C. could have been doing

D. have been doing

Which type of verb describes an action performed by the subject?

A. linking verb

B. transitive verb

C. action verb

D. helping verb

The little dog is brown.

What type of verb is the underlined verb?

A. Action Verb

B. Linking Verb

C. Helping Verb

Identify the verb or verb phrase:Carolyn must not have taken the test yet.

A. must not

B. not have taken

C. must not have taken

D. must have taken

Identify the verb or verb phrase:This was a great day!

A. This was

B. was a

C. great day

D. was

Determine which type of verb the underline verb is in the following sentence:

The strong winds blew down the old tree.

A. action

B. linking

C. helping

D. main verb

Identify the type of verb in the following sentence: ‘She ran to the store.’

A. action verb

B. transitive verb

C. helping verb

D. linking verb

Find the verb phrase in the following sentence?

Harry Potter will be read forever and ever

A. will be

B. will be read

C. be read

D. read forever

Bentley and Gianna are outside.

What type of verb is the underlined verb?

A. Action Verb

B. Linking Verb

C. Helping Verb

Identify the type of verb in the following sentence: ‘They ate dinner.’

A. auxiliary verb

B. action verb

C. linking verb

D. transitive verb

Identify the type of verb in the following sentence: ‘The flowers bloomed beautifully.’

A. action verb

B. transitive verb

C. helping verb

D. linking verb

Which type of verb connects the subject to a word that describes or identifies the subject?

A. Linking verb

B. Transitive verb

C. Action verb

D. Intransitive verb

I smell the aroma of a freshly mowed lawn.

A. Action

B. Linking

Is the underline verb a main verb or helping verb?
The witnesses were being questioned by the police.

A. main verb

B. helping verb

After the festival, Mr. Allred ate two more hot dogs.

What is the subject of the sentence?

A. After the festival

B. Mr. Allred

C. ate two more hot dogs

D. hot dogs

Is the underline verb a main verb or helping verb?

The puppy has been barking for an hour.

A. main verb

B. helping verb

Estelle turned the pages of her science book.

A. Action

B. Linking

Is the underline verb a main verb or helping verb?

The witnesses were being questioned by the police.

A. main verb

B. helping verb

Identify the verb or verb phrase:He could certainly have come today.

A. could certainly

B. could have

C. could have come

D. could certainly have come

What is the verb phrase in this sentence?

Malfoy would have cheated in the end.

A. would

B. would have

C. have cheated

D. would have cheated

Because the students were behaving so badly, Mr. Gibson challenged them to wrestle Mr. Hill.

What is the subject of the sentence?

A. them

B. Mr. Hill

C. Mr. Gibson

D. the students

I smell the aroma of a freshly mowed lawn.

Identify the verb

A. smell

B. aroma

C. freshly

D. mowed

A baked potato with sour cream always tastes delicious.

A. Action Verb

B. Linking Verb

Identify the type of verb in the following sentence: ‘He seems tired.’

A. linking verb

B. action verb

C. helping verb

D. transitive verb


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