Grammar Quiz

Use of Prepositions or Conjunctions Quiz


Umar: I have never visited the dentist. Aliyu: _____

A. neither myself

B. I myself haven’t

C. neither have I

D. I also never

He devoted himself ___ homeless children.

A. to helping

B. to help

C. by helping

D. with helping

He bought a typewriter with a view ___ to type.

A. to learning

B. to learnt

C. to be learning

D. to be learnt

One would wish ___ missed that opportunity to be present at the graduation ball.

A. to have not

B. for having not

C. to having

D. not to have

After so many trials, the experiment ____.

A. paid up

B. paid for

C. paid off

D. paid out

There is no logic ____ any of their claims.

A. with

B. in

C. from

D. up

There is no need to stand ____ ceremony in matters of this nature.

A. by

B. to

C. on

D. for

Audu overbalanced and ____ the water.

A. fell into

B. fell them

C. fell for

D. fell at

When the cashier told him to join the queue, he considered it ____ his dignity.

A. a drawback to

B. an affront on

C. withdrawal from

D. a strain on

____ his illness, Muhammad could not come to school.

A. with reference to

B. referring to

C. owing to

D. due to

The number of stores will be increased ____ twenty to thirty.

A. from

B. on

C. at

D. into

The class ____ more girls than boys this session.

A. comprised

B. comprises

C. comprise

D. comprising

During the examination, a student ____ more answer sheets.

A. requested

B. requested for

C. requests for

D. request

Parents should be good examples ____ their children.

A. to

B. at

C. from

D. by

The company deals ___ computer software.

A. with

B. for

C. in

D. to

Oboro will always ____ his friends.

A. stand up for

B. stand down for

C. stand across for

D. stand beside for

The dull student took correspondence course as a means ____ his standard in the class.

A. to improve

B. for improving

C. of improving

D. by improving

Akpi took these actions purely ____ his own career.

A. on furtherance of

B. in furtherance of

C. to furtherance in

D. in furtherance with

All the traders in the market saw the woman buy ___ the imported suits.

A. up

B. off

C. over

D. out

___ the house was an easy task for the demolition squad.

A. Bringing forth

B. Tearing down

C. Bringing up

D. Tearing with

I always prefer the theatre ___ the cinema.

A. than

B. then

C. on top

D. to

She arrived ____ air for the occasion.

A. for

B. in

C. with

D. by

The accident occurred when the driver of the car ____ the lorry.

A. reversed towards

B. reversed into

C. reversed to

D. reversed back into

He did not explain what happened ___ did she.

A. either

B. never

C. neither

D. rather

The prisoners had been ___ from all contacts.

A. kept upon

B. kept apart

C. kept for

D. kept on


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