Grammar Quiz

Vocabulary and Modals Quiz


I don’t know what I _________ do.

A. should

B. mustn’t

C. couldn’t

D. shouldn’t

To __________ you have to exercise and eat less unhealthy foods.

A. rest

B. lose weight

C. be active

D. train

I still have a lot of ______ in my arm. The doctor said I _______ play volleyball until next week.

A. injury, couldn’t

B. pain, mustn’t

C. pain, have to

D. injury, should

Do I _________ eat all of my broccoli?

A. must

B. have to

C. should

Marc got injured while playing football. He is in a wheelchair, so he probably broke a ________ in his leg.

A. muscle

B. ligament

C. bone

D. pain

You _______ stop when the traffic lights turn red.

A. can

B. should

C. must

D. could

My ________ help me breathe.

A. brain

B. lungs

C. heart

D. muscles

We always ________ and ________ before a volleyball match.

A. train, burn calories

B. get fit, warm up

C. warm up, stretch

D. rest, get fit

If you have an _________ you ________ rest and put ice on it.

A. pain, can

B. injury, must

C. active pain, could

D. injury, musn’t

Antonio wanted to __________ before going on vacation to the beach.

A. have energy

B. lose weight

C. injure himself

D. warm up

You ___________ give your _______ a rest after a long day of exams.

A. have to, brain

B. must, stomach

C. should, lungs

D. can, muscles

Too much sugar makes your _______ hurt.

A. lungs

B. heart

C. stomach

D. bones

You ________ bring water to each training session. If not, you will get very thirsty!

A. can

B. have to

C. shouldn’t

D. could

When you _________ your _______ rate is high.

A. burn calories, heart

B. get fit, brain

C. get injured, energy

D. lose weight, lung

When you have a healthy ________ you also have more ________ every morning.

A. train, activity

B. stretch, pain

C. lifestyle, energy

D. rest, warm up

– Excuse me, __________ I use your bike?

– Yes, but you ________ bring it back to me in 1 hour.

A. should, have to

B. could, must

C. must, could

D. shouldn’t, must

It’s important to get good _______ every night.

A. energy

B. muscles

C. stretch

D. rest

I sleep 8 hours, I train every day, I eat lots of vegetables… I have a healthy _________!

A. energy

B. lifestyle

C. activity

D. rest

I think you _______ be more _______ and try playing other sports.

A. must, train

B. should, active

C. can, energetic

D. have to, fit

My coach said I _______ _______ so I have less pain in my shoulders.

A. can, rest

B. could, train

C. should, stretch

D. have to, get fit

Paula has lots of ______ in her leg muscles from running yesterday. She can’t run today!

A. injury

B. pain

C. muscles

D. color


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