Grammar Quiz

Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions Quiz


Formulate a sentence using the adverb ‘silently.’

A. The cat moved silently through the dark room.

B. He walked quickly to the store.

C. She sang beautifully at the concert.

D. The dog barked loudly in the yard.

Bogor is famous … its rainy weather.

A. of

B. off

C. to

D. for

Revan is very pleased … his exam results.

A. to

B. of

C. with

D. for

Analyze the prepositional phrase in this sentence: ‘The cat is under the table.’

A. in the box

B. under the table

C. beside the chair

D. on the table

Are first and last adverbs?



C. not sure

Modify the noun ‘dog’ with an appropriate adjective: ‘The __________ dog barked loudly.’

A. friendly

B. quiet

C. loud

D. small

Which of the following are adverbs?

A. Jumping, swimming, playing

B. Is, was, are, were, am

C. Under, below, above

D. None of them

Choose the correct one

A. a beautiful Russian old village

B. a beautiful old Russian village

C. a Russian beautiful old village

D. an old beautiful Russian village

Marsya is very proud … her cousin, she worked very hard.

A. because

B. of

C. for

D. in

Which one is the correct order?

A. a cotton purple sleeping bag

B. a sleeping purple cotton bag

C. a purple cotton sleeping bag

D. a purple sleeping cotton bag

Formulate a sentence using the adverb ‘carefully.’

A. He quickly ran to the store.

B. She placed the vase on the table.

C. She carefully placed the fragile vase on the shelf.

D. They carelessly dropped the ball.

Identify the prepositional phrase in this sentence: ‘Khalisha walked through the park with her friend.’

A. through the park, with her friend

B. through the garden

C. with her

D. in the park

Unfortunately, I’m very bad … music.

A. in

B. on

C. of

D. at

Choose the correct adverb: ‘Deivo ran __________ to catch the bus.’ (quick)

A. quicklying

B. speedily

C. fast

D. quickly

Identify the adjectives in the following sentence: ‘The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog.’

A. over

B. fox

C. jumps

D. quick, lazy

Identify the adjective in the following sentence: ‘The delicious cake was decorated beautifully.’

A. decorated

B. delicious

C. cake

D. beautifully

English cheese is very different … French cheese.

A. to

B. of

C. in

D. from

Modify the noun in this sentence with an adjective: ‘The car is impressive.’

A. The car is old.

B. The car is slow.

C. The car is blue.

D. The fast car is impressive.

The correct order is …

A. a big black wooden desk

B. a black big wooden desk

C. a wooden big black desk

D. a black wooden big desk

Choose the correct adverb to complete the sentence: ‘Faliqa sings __________.’ (beautiful)

A. good

B. beautifully

C. more beautiful

D. well

Differentiate the prepositions in the following sentence: ‘The book is on the table and beside the lamp.’

A. on, beside

B. under, near

C. above, below

D. in, around

Rafi is interested … jazz.

A. at

B. on

C. in

D. of

Which of the following is a preposition?

A. happily

B. quickly

C. under

D. over

What type of word is quickly?

A. Adverb

B. Adjective

C. Preposition

D. Verb

Big, fast, and slow, are examples of a preposition.



C. Not sure


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