Grammar Quiz

Conditional Sentence 0, 1 Quiz


If my friends __________, I will be very happy.

A. came

B. came

C. come

D. comes

If she ______ this question correctly, she will get an extra point.

A. answer

B. answers

C. answered

D. answering

If you _____ sandals in the mountains, you will slip on the rocks.

A. wearing

B. wear

C. wore

D. wears

We will get lost if we  _______ the town map.

A. forget

B. forgets

C. forgetting

D. forgot

I will buy a Pepsi if Emily _________ the picnic basket.

A. picking

B. picked

C. picks

D. pick

If my brother _______ my bike, I will help him with the math homework

A. repair

B. repaired

C. repairing

D. repairs

If you cook vegetables for long time, they … their nutrients.

A. loses

B. losing

C. would lose

D. will lose

If it  _______ in the Alps, it will rain in Munich.

A. snowed

B. snowing

C. snow

D. snows

Richard will walk to school if he _______ the bus.

A. miss

B. missing

C. missed

D. misses

If it rains, you … wet

A. Will get

B. Would get

C. Get

D. Will

Please choose the best sentence for conditional sentences type 0

A. I will have gone to bali

B. If i became the president of this country ,i would pay more attention to teachers prosperity

C. If it rains,the grass gets wet

D. If you tell her the truth,she will forgive you

If Emma ________ my dictionary, she will give it back to me.

A. find

B. found

C. finds

D. finding

She will come if she _________ busy.

A. am

B. was

C. is

D. are

My dad will be angry if my sister ________ on the music too loud.

A. turned

B. turns

C. turn

D. turning

If you … some eggs, I … some coffee

A. will cook — make

B. cook — will make

If I ______ chocolate ice cream from the restaurant, I will get extra toppings.

A. order

B. orders

C. ordering

D. ordered

If you _____ to the park, you _______John there.

A. go, will see

B. go, would see

C. went, will see

D. went, would see

Make conditional sentences type 0

A. I will have gone to bali

B. If i became the president of this country ,i would pay more attention to teachers prosperity

C. If it rains,the grass gets wet

D. If you tell her the truth,she will forgive you

The tourists _________ from Paris to London if they will cross the Channel.

A. flying

B. flew

C. flies

D. fly

If I … my assignment tonight, I will go to Mall with my friends.

A. finishes

B. finished

C. finish

D. finishing

The girls will hurry if they ______ the tickets yet.

A. book

B. books

C. booked

D. booking

I will visit your house…………..

A. If I will come to Makassar

B. If I come to Makassar

C. If I came to Makassar

D. If I would come to Makassar

If you  ______ some tomatoes, the sauce  will taste much better.

A. add

B. adding

C. adds

D. added

If Beny ______ hard, he will pass the exams.

A. studies

B. study

C. studied

D. studying

If we _________ to London, we will visit the museums.

A. travel

B. travels

C. travelling

D. travelled


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