Grammar Quiz

Constrative Conjunction Quiz


… there people have died of cholera, the old people of the village refused to get an injection against it.

A. Although

B. In spite of

C. Since

D. And

Fill in the blank: “He studied hard, _____ he failed the exam.”

A. Therefore

B. But

C. Because

D. And

What is the function of the word “yet” in the sentence: “She’s busy, yet she always finds time for her friends.”

A. To show cause and effect

B. To show contrast

C. To show addition

D. To show sequence

Which of the following sentences uses “even though” correctly?

A. Even though he was late, but he apologized.

B. Even though he was late, he apologized.

C. Even though he was late, so he apologized.

D. Even though he was late, and he apologized.

… the bad weather, he still chooses to go by airplane.

A. Although

B. However

C. In spite of

D. Despite of

What is the correct way to express contrast?

A. She is tired, but she continues working.

B. She is tired, and she continues working.

C. She is tired, because she continues working.

D. She is tired, so she continues working.

Choose the correct sentence:

A. Even though it was late, we still went out.

B. Even though it was late, but we still went out.

C. Even though it was late, so we still went out.

D. Even though it was late, because we still went out.

… the global economy crisis, many labors lost their job.

A. Because of

B. Because

C. Despite of

D. Although

Which sentence is correct?

A. She didn’t understand the lesson, but she asked questions.

B. She didn’t understand the lesson, so she didn’t ask questions.

C. She didn’t understand the lesson, and she asked questions.

D. She didn’t understand the lesson, or she asked questions.

Yosi continued playing the game ______ he heard his mother calling.

A. Although

B. After

C. Because

D. But

Choose the correct sentence using “although”:

A. Although it was raining, we went to the park.

B. Although it was raining, but we went to the park.

C. Although it was raining, and we went to the park.

D. Although it was raining, and we went to the park.

Choose the correct conjunction: “They were tired, _____ they kept walking.”

A. Despite of the rain, we stayed outside.

B. Despite the rain, we stayed outside.

C. Despite it was raining, we stayed outside.

D. Despite of it was raining, we stayed outside.

Complete the sentence: “I wanted to go to the party, _____ I had too much work.”

A. But

B. So

C. And

D. Because

…. the great inconvenience of traveling, many TV reporters went to the flooded area for their reports.

A. Despite

B. Although

C. However

D. Nevertheless

It was raining heavily. … , the football match was postponed.

A. Thus

B. However

C. And

D. In spite of

Complete the sentence: “The test was difficult, _____ I passed it.”

A. Yet

B. So

C. Because

D. And

Which of the following conjunctions is used to contrast two opposing ideas?

A. Because

B. However

C. And

D. So

This selling strategy is not promising, … They still want to try it.

A. But

B. In spite of

C. However

D. Despite

Which sentence correctly uses “nevertheless”?

A. She felt tired. Nevertheless, she completed her homework.

B. She felt tired. Nevertheless but, she completed her homework.

C. She felt tired. Nevertheless, but she completed her homework.

D. She felt tired. Nevertheless because she completed her homework.

Which conjunction is appropriate for the following sentence? “I love chocolate, _____ I try not to eat too much.”

A. Although

B. So

C. Because

D. But


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