Grammar Quiz

Modal Speculation Quiz


They _______ finished their homework before dinner.

A. had

B. will

C. did

D. have

She _______ seen the movie before.

A. have

B. did

C. will

D. had

We _______ missed the bus this morning.

A. completely

B. nearly

C. barely

D. hardly

The neighbors _______ invited to the barbecue.

A. have

B. is

C. are

D. were

The students _______ studied for the exam.

A. have

B. are

C. will

D. is

He _______ lost his keys at the party.

A. probably

B. definitely

C. possibly

D. certainly

The students _______ submitted their assignments on time.

A. where

B. which

C. who

D. whom

James _______ visited the museum last weekend.

A. might have

B. could have

C. will have

D. must have

You _______ met him at the party last week.

A. had

B. will

C. did

D. have

You _______ left your phone in the car.

A. accidentally

B. intentionally

C. deliberately

D. carefully

The cat _______ knocked over the vase.

A. deliberately

B. accidentally

C. carelessly

D. intentionally

They _______ been to that restaurant many times.

A. have

B. had

C. has

D. have not

We _______ forgotten to lock the door last night.

A. had

B. have

C. will

D. did

The cat _______ eaten all the food in its bowl.

A. were

B. have

C. did

D. has

He _______ known the answer to the question.

A. might have

B. could have

C. must have

D. should have

I _______ left my umbrella at the restaurant.

A. accidentally

B. carelessly

C. intentionally

D. deliberately

The neighbors _______ heard the noise last night.

A. whom

B. which

C. who

D. what

I _______ finished reading the book.

A. have

B. is

C. will

D. am

The dog _______ run away from home.

A. will

B. might

C. can

D. could

The dog _______ chased the squirrel up the tree.

A. loudly

B. happily

C. eagerly

D. quickly


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