Grammar Quiz

Adjectives and comparisons Quiz


Pineapples are …… than oranges ( sweet).

A. sweeter

B. sweetest

This TV is the ….. one at shop ( large).

A. largest

B. larger

My bag is ….. than yours ( heavy).

A. heavier

B. heaviest

Tim can run …… than Bill ( fast).

A. fastest

B. faster

The elephant is ……. than the mouse ( big).

A. bigger

B. biggest

Do you know who the ……… woman in the world is?

A. beautiful

B. more beautiful

C. beautifuller

D. most beautiful

Summer is …. than autumn ( hot).

A. hottest

B. hotter

Tom is…. than Adam ( tall).

A. tallest

B. taller

Pam’s mobile is ……… than mine.

A. expensive

B. most expensive

C. more expensive

D. more expensiver

Maths is …….. to me than biology.

A. important

B. more important

C. importanter

D. most important

Sara’s dress is …….. than mine ( short).

A. shortest

B. shorter

Winter is the ….. season ( cold).

A. colder

B. coldest

Who is …….. runner : Tom or Sam?

A. bad

B. worse

C. more bad

D. the worst

I was sad because I got the ……….. grade on the test ( low).

A. lower

B. lowest

This information is …….. for me than the previous one.

A. useful

B. more useful

C. as useful

D. the most useful

This is the…. book i’ve ever read (sad).

A. saddest

B. sadder


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