Grammar Quiz

Direct Object and Indirect Object Quiz

English multiple-choice grammar quiz about Direct Object and Indirect Object


Choose the correct sentence

A. He described the plan to me.

B. He described me the plan.

I sent a letter ___ my friends.

A. to

B. for

I bought gifts for my family.

A. I bought for my family gifts.

B. I bought my family gifts.

C. I bought gifts my family.

I bought some cards ___ my mom.

A. to

B. for

Choose the correct sentence

A. He said me something about the work.

B. He said something about the work.

I made dinner for my family.

A. I made my family dinner.

B. I made for my family dinner.

C. I made dinner my family for.

Choose the correct sentence

A. I asked for pay-raise my boos.

B. I asked my boss for pay-raise.

Choose the correct sentence

A. I baked the cake for an hour.

B. I baked the cake to an hour.

I lent some money ___ my friends.

A. to

B. for

Choose the correct sentence

A. The teacher explained us the grammar rules.

B. The teacher explained the grammar rules to us.

I gave a ride to my friends.

A. I gave a ride my friends.

B. I gave my friends a ride.

C. i gave to my friends a ride.

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