Grammar Quiz

Gerund, Infinitive, Bare Verb Quiz


The school requires the students (wear) _________ uniforms.

A. wear

B. to wear

C. wearing

I enjoy_______ alone

A. be

B. being

C. to be

It’s late. We’d better … now.

A. leave

B. to leave

C. left

D. to have left

Bill is ill. He should…………at home and relax

A. to stay

B. staying

C. stay

Do you mind_______ such a long way to work everyday?

A. to travel

B. travel

C. traveling

I am planning ___VISIT____ my granny next week.

A. visit

B. visiting

C. to visit

I let my friend ________ my wrong homework, so that she will learn.

A. to copy

B. copying

C. copied

D. copy

However, he didn’t find anything unusual enough ………. why she could remember so much about her life

A. to explain

B. explaining

C. explains

D. explain

They decided ………………. to the park because it was raining hard

A. not to go

B. not going

C. not go

I invited John … dinner with us later this week.

A. have

B. to have

C. have had

D. to have had

No one saw Alex _______ your money.

A. to steal

B. stole

C. to stealing

D. steal

She can ………………. quite well

A. sing

B. to sing

C. singing

We expect ______LEAVE_______ tomorrow.

A. leave

B. to leave

C. leaving

Dr. Senior decided ……… her several tests,

A. giving

B. give

C. to give

D. gave

Would you like_______ to the party?

A. to come

B. come

C. coming

The boy’s father promised …. for the window to be repaired.

A. to pay

B. paying

C. pay

They don’t allow residents … pets.

A. keep

B. to keep

C. kept

D. to be kept

We tried_______ the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire-brigade.

A. putting

B. put

C. to put

I want ………………. the house where our president was born

A. see

B. to see

C. seeing

We must find out what (do) __________ next.

A. do

B. to do

C. doing

The employer forced his employees _______.

A. to corrupt

B. corrupting

C. corrupt

D. to corrupting

We heard somebody ______ENTER______ the apartment.

A. enter

B. entering

C. to enter

John heard someone __________ but he let go.

A. is crying

B. cry

C. to cry

D. to crying

Please remember_______ this letter

A. to post

B. post

C. posting

The sales convinced his customer _________ his goods.

A. to buy

B. buying

C. to buying

D. buy


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